Monday, February 14, 2011

Really... Why won't you listen to me!!

Ok. So I was really excited about today's psych appointment and to talk about my perception of what was going on. I brought up my grandmother, and the idea of having bipolar 2. She completely dismissed the idea like I was stupid. All she talked about was how we are going to keep increasing the dose until the maximum, and if it doesn't help, then switch to another antidepressant. What if it's the wrong diagnosis? The medication isn't going to help if its not for the right thing. She didn't even suggest a re-evaluation. And apparently I have many symptoms of borderline-personality disorder also. Awesome. Now that doesn't make me feel like a psycho at all... I didn't make a follow-up appointment, told the unit clerk I was going to call to schedule. I'm going to look into finding a place for a more extensive evaluation.. maybe someone else will listen.
    On a brighter note, it's Valentine's Day!! :)  This is the first time in four years I've had a sweetheart.. Pretty excited about it. My boyfriend is coming over after he gets off work; I'm making dinner for him. Until later!